
The renum mode is the default one. Cells, surfaces, materials transformations and universes are renamed according to the -c, -s, -m, -u, -t or --map command line options. The original MCNP input file is not modified, the input file with renamed elements is written to standard output.

Optional arguments

In this mode, the cell, surface, material, transformation and/or universe numbers are modified by adding terms, specified in the command line.

The following command line options are used to specify terms to be added:

  • -c <expr> for cells
  • -s <expr> for surfaces
  • -m <expr> for materials
  • -t <expr> for transformations
  • -u <expr> for universes
  • --map <filename> for any objects (see below)

Each of the above flags except --map must be followed by an expression <expr> that defines the term to be addedto the original number. This expression can be one of the following:

  • <N> -- simple integer value. This value is added to all cells, materials, etc.
  • i -- the character 'i'. In this case, the corresponding objects in the input files are numbered with increasing numbers starting from 1 (indexed).

The --map flag must be followed by a file name of the map file. When both --map and one of the -c, -s etc. flags is given, the latter is used.

Invocation examples

All cells numbers in the input file input.orig are increased by 10. The resulting input file is written to standard output and redirected to

>numjuggler              -c 10 input.orig >
>numjuggler --mode renum -c 10 input.orig >

Both variants are equal, since the --mode renum is the default one. Similar, one can specify terms to be added to surfaces, materials and transformations, repsectively with the -s, -m and -t command line arguments:

>numjuggler -s 5 -m 10 -t 100 input.orig >

In this example, surface numbers are increased by 5, material numbers are increased by 10 (zero material remains unchanged) and all transformation numbers are increased by 100.

More complex renaming rules can be deifned in the map file. Here one can specify different renaming rules for different cells or cell ranges. For example:

>numjuggler --map map.txt input.orig >

where map.txt is a text file, which format is described in details here: map file format.