
The merge mode puts two separate input files into a single input file. One input file is specified as the positional command line argument, the other input file is specified as the argument to -m. The example invocation:

>numjuggler --mode merge -m inp2.inp inp1.inp > merged.inp

The resulting input file in this example written into merged.inp. It contains cell, surface and data blocks from inp1.inp and inp2.inp. The title of the merged input is taken from inp1.inp if it exists, otherwise from inp2.inp. In each block first the cards from inp1.inp are written; they are followed by the cards from inp2.inp.

Note: this mode only places content of two input files in proper order, i.e. cells, surfaces and data cards to the respective blocks. The cell, surface and other numbers are not changed. To ensure that the models to be merged have unique names for cell, surfaces, etc., they should be modified before merging.