numjuggler documentation

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The source for this documentation is located in the docs branch. The documentation is continually edited and updated: to get informed about updates consider to turn on notifications. If you miss some information, feel free to open an issue. Note: you need a github account.


Numjuggler is a Python-based command line tool to perform specific tasks on the MCNP input files.

Originally, numjuggler was developed at INR-KIT to rename cells, surfaces and materials in the MCNP input file. This task appeared often within the framework of ITER nuclear analyses, where different parts of the MCNP computational model were developed independently by different organizations and than merged together to the model describing the whole ITER facility. The merging of the model parts into a single MCNP input file was often complicated by the use of the same cell, surface and material numbers in the different model parts.

Later, other features was added to numjuggler. Now it can be run in one of the execution modes, each performing particular task.

The original development was previously conducted in the inr-kit repository. The author of numjuggler has its own fork at travleev/numjuggler.


Numjuggler is tested against Python versions 2.7 and 3.7 under a modern Linux. Windows environment was not tested.

The numjuggler package depends on six and pathlib2 packages that are installed automatically when using pip, see below.


The preffered way is using pip:

>pip install numjuggler [--user]

When the optional --user argument is given, the files are written to the user installation directory (useful on machines without admin access).

Alternatively, one can clone from github and install in so-called development mode:

>git clone
>cd numjuggler
>pip install -e .

TODO: try under windows/anaconda(?)


numjuggler is a command line tool written in Python. When properly installed, it can be invoked in one of the following ways:

>numjuggler           --mode <modename> [arguments] input.txt >
>python -m numjuggler --mode <modename> [arguments] input.txt >

These two invocation forms are equal. The command line arguments in general contain the only necessary argument -- the original MCNP input file (in the above example input.txt). The output is written to standard output that can be redirected to a file. The execution mode is specified after the --mode flag. The other optional arguments can define additional parameters relevant to the chosen mode.

The --debug optional argument can be used in all execution modes and turns on writing log messages to the file debug.juggler.<input>, where <input> is the name of the processed file. Information in debug can be usefull to understand processing errors.

Some execution modes accept the --map optional argument that must be followed by the name of the mapping file. Desctiption of its format is here: map.

TODO: how to get interactive help.

List of execution modes

Follow links for detailed information about the modes. When no detailed info here exists, some information about the execution modes can be found in the source code, see

  • addgeom
  • annotate
  • cdens -- change cell density
  • combinec
  • count
  • extr
  • fillempty
  • getc
  • impinfo
  • info -- get input file statistics
  • matan
  • matinfo
  • mdupl
  • merge -- merge two input files
  • minfo
  • mnew
  • msimp
  • nofill
  • nogq -- obsolete (see nogq2)
  • nogq2 -- replace GQ surfaces with transformed cylinders, where applicable
  • remc
  • remh -- replace cell complement operators # with actual geometry description
  • remrp
  • rems
  • remu
  • renum -- renumber cells etc.
  • sdupl
  • sinfo
  • split
  • tallies
  • uexp
  • uinfo
  • vsource
  • wrap
  • zrotate


Cell parameters (importance, universe) can be read only from the cell cards block. Cell parameters specified in the data cards block are ignored.

Only subset of data cards is parsed to find cell, surface, etc. numbers. For example, cell and surface numbers will be recognized in a tally card, but material numbers will not be found in tally multiplier card. Also, cell and surface numbers in the source-related cards are nor recognized.

Only a subset of execution modes were tested on the C-lite and C-model input files. Current implementation is rather ineffective: complete renumbering of cells and surfaces in C-lite takes 5 -- 10 min.

~~Roadmap~~ Ideas for future work

  • [ ] Organize automatic check of each new version:

    • [ ] Write set of input files to be processed with different modes together with correspondent resulting files
    • [x] Connect to Travis CI (or similar) to perform automatic tests after each new commit to the master branch
    • [x] Add icons passed/failed to documentation and the repo's README
    • [ ] Optional: formulate rules how to add new examples/test input files.
  • [ ] Clear interface to the interactive help (the --help command line argument with options) that takes information from docs folder, i.e. originates from the same source as the online web documentation.

  • [ ] Add missing description of the execution modes.

  • [x] Connect to PyPi

  • [x] How to ensure that the version is updated each time a modification is introduced?

    • [x] Check the use of git tag and git describe